Friday, January 27, 2012

Is Censoring Tweets a Good Idea?

By far and away the biggest news this week to me was the announcement from Twitter that it will censor tweets in some countries. See the Huffington Post write-up here.

Kinda crazy.

But it turns out that there are fairly easy ways to circumvent this Twitter censorship - see this MSNBC post here:

1) Just change your country setting.

Is it really all that simple? What's the point of "censoring" Tweets? Whose side is Twitter on?

Sunday, January 22, 2012


So here we go, Part II. This experimental class is going into phase 2 - Master's version. The class, I think, will always be experimental.

So here were some of the thoughts I had this morning that may or may not be relevant to tomorrow's class discussion.

1) The rapid spread of JoePa's not-dead then dead reporting: would this have happened in a Web 1.0 world, or is this just a natural aspect of media competition.

2) Are blogs really all that 2.0?

3) The recent report by Brookings about how authoritarian governments can totally search out your internet info if you happen to be a dissident, and how social media leaves you totally vulnerable.